Cite Your Sources: The Quentin Tarantino Episode

Vincent Vega Reading

During our last episode discussing Quentin Tarantino, we threw around a slew of articles without giving any proper reference. Pulling out the MLA handbook might have slowed down the momentum of the podcast, but we like to give credit where its due.

So, in the spirit of proper research I’ve decided to put together this works cited list. Use these if you care to do some fact-checking on anything we claimed in the episode, or if you simply want to dive deeper into the Tarantino criticism and reflection circulating around the Internet. Here it is in no particular order:

Fresh Air w/ Quentin Tarantino– Here is a link to the full Terry Gross interview from January 2013. Its a fun interview done around the release of Django Unchained, so its highly recommended for fans of that particular film.

Quentin’s World– This New York Times interview from December 2012 was referenced several times throughout our podcast episode. Its a valuable resource because Tarantino reflects upon his entire work and we get an intriguing glimpse into how he sizes up his own films.

Everything Quentin Tarantino Really Thinks About Violence and the Movies– After the infamous Tarantino interview with British journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy, in which he refused (in some not so well chosen language) to answer questions about violence, The Wire went through the trouble of collecting everything Tarantino has said publicly about violence in film.

Pulp Fiction: 20 Years on– Nicholas Barber from The Independent runs through a list of ways in which Pulp Fiction influenced cinema. He then asks whether Pulp Fiction’s influence has been a positive or negative boost for the movies.

Pulp Fiction still breathtaking after 20 years- The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw gives an updated review of Pulp Fiction while also reflecting on what it felt like to watch the movie for the first time in 1990s Britain.

Edgar Wright- How To Do Visual Comedy – This short video by Tony Zhou argues many of America’s most popular comedies are nothing more than “lightly edited improv” and there are few filmmakers still using the camera and “frame” to provide laughs. Tarantino is briefly demonstrated, which Tim mentioned in the podcast.

Next Episode’s Syllabus: Time Out’s Best Animated Movies List


A few have asked why the current poll is limited to our 5 choices. “How could we not have included (blank)?” Aside from the fact that we don’t approve of thinking outside our narrowly defined parameters, the films listed are also coincidentally the Top 5 of Time Out’s 100 Best Animated Movies. Give it a looksy before our next episode, where we will discuss their #1 pick- Pinocchio.

Don’t forget there are other options available. We’re not complete monsters! Email us or call in your personal picks.
