Ep. 96: The King’s Speech feat. Watson Jones III

Nate and Ryan welcome Watson Jones III to discuss The King’s Speech, 2010 winner of the Best Picture Oscar directed by Tom Hooper. The King’s Speech was a somewhat improbable winner in an especially strong movie year. It was in that backlash-filled atmosphere that many people watched Colin Firth act his way to a long-deserved Oscar. But what is it like to watch The King’s Speech without the noise? Watson joins Nate and Ryan in a wide-ranging discussion that covers way more ground than we thought possible.

What are your thoughts on The King’s Speech? If Colin Firth hadn’t won for this, what did he deserve to win for? If not The King’s Speech, what 2010 movie should have won Best Picture? Let us know!

Ep 68: Love Actually

It’s a romantic Christmas for Nate and Ryan as they discuss Love Actually, the 2003 holiday rom-com starring Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant, and most of the other British movie stars you can think of in the pre-Benedict-Cumberbatch era of British movie stars. Celebrating its 15th anniversary, Love Actually has become an annual favorite for many, including Nate’s and Ryan’s wives. Listen in as they discuss what sticks and what doesn’t in this throw-it-all-at-the-wall Christmas epic.

Is Love Actually in your annual holiday movie rotation?  Let us know your thoughts!

Mentioned in the episode:
Love Actually is the Least Romantic Film of All Time by Christopher Orr (The Atlantic)
I Will Not Be Ashamed of Loving Love Actually by Emma Green (The Atlantic)